Companies and Society

When Even Flexwork Can't Save You From Stress, Pour Yourself a Cup of Tea

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Sonoko Ikeda

Sonoko Ikeda is has been an independent freelance writer and editor since 2012. She has experience working for a number of publications, and wrote a book called "The Way of Life of an Unmarried Professional" (はたらく人の結婚しない生き方).


Hajime Kato

Hajime Kato is a Japanese freelance photographer. He has experience conducting photography projects from the planning phase to execution, for a variety of media. The scope of his work varies from small art projects to mid and long-term "artist in residence" projects.


Dan Takahashi

Dan is an editor and photographer for Kintopia's Japanese twin website Cybozu-shiki. He is the most recent member to join the corporate branding department at Cybozu.